"Ia membuat segala segala sesuatu indah pada waktunya, bahkan Ia memberikan kekekalan dalam hati mereka. Tetapi manusia tidak dapat menyelami pekerjaan yang dilakukan Allah dari awal sampai akhir" (Pengkotbah 3:11)
Thursday, January 27, 2011
My Best Friend Ever
Monday, January 24, 2011
Monday, January 17, 2011
S U R P R I S E....
Saya baca renungan ODB hari ini, Mr. Stowell blg dia bs melalui masalah apapun kalo saja Tuhan memberi tau ttg hal itu sebelumnya. Tapi Tuhan ga pernah begitu. Setiap ada masalah yg kita bawa dalam doa, Dia mau kita tunggu waktuNya.
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Something from my garden
Banyak banget deh pelajaran yg udh saya dapet, terutama setelah pulang dr Mesir. Yg ada aja ya dulu, yg lain, nyusul :)
Lights from Egypt
Hi... I'm not going to tell about how is Egypt (at least for now), but about somethings that I learned from one kind Egyptian taxi driver, named Maaruz. He took us to nice places n help us get cheap and nice buffet local foods n took us to this place with groups of old churches and to a mosque (what an experience). Inside the mosque, we need to took off our shoes of course and then for women we need to put a garment; long garb with hood and green in colour (which make us look like the people in the Star Wars movie), xixixi....
According to him, this mosque is the second biggest mosque in Cairo. He took us to this special mosque because this mosque (land) was given by a Christian woman to the muslims. The mosque is only 5 minutes walking distance away from the Coptic churches.
Ok in the mosque, he took us in and sit at one corner (the mosque is huge), then we listened to him. (This is the first time in my life i went in to a mosque, big one i mean, on Sunday also :) )
Here are some things he said that touch my heart :
- Do you know why Jesus said if you're being slapped on your face, you should give the other side too; he said because after you're being slapped if you give the other side too, that person will give you a kiss and apologised, but if you hit that person back then there will be a fight that'll go on and on and on... (I think it got to do with their custome which they kiss each other, even men, whenever they meet)
- He reminded us to say grace (alhamdullilah) all the time, for evrything. That we need to forgive our husband 70x (Jesus said, we need to forgive 70x7). If they're not in a good mood after work, we forgive by thinking of all the possibilities that happened in the office that make them in a bad mood (maybe they met 'disturbing' people, maybe because of their unreasonable bosses, etc, etc) So ladies, these are our forgiveness to our husband :) try find 70 reason then you'll start to forgive him.
-Do you know why we need to pray all the time? I think this is important because nowadays people never think about this seriously anymore. He (Maruz) said, because as a sinner we never live alone. Wherever we go, the devil always follow us. When we sleep, the devil lay beside us. When we eat, devil sit beside us. (that's why also in mosque men and women pray in separate place, so the men will not tempted but really2 concentrate in their praying, in meeting God). BUT if we pray... and called on His Name (The Lord), the devil will go away as there won't be any place for it beside us anymore. So... in evrything you do, Don't forget to PRAY...all the time.
As they always says here, Allahu Akbar that's mean God is great. He is... Even though I cannot attend a service last Sunday and I was very far away from home, He's still beside me and talks to me :).
Thank You, Lord for evrything you've done.... God bless.... :)